SMS Content Verification Plugin for WordPress

We are pleased to introduce our WordPress plugin that allows you to protect your content with SMS verification.

This plugin provides SMS authorization for content access, protecting your website with SMS verification. Easily integrates with various SMS services, such as Twilio and Hallo 015 pbx, providing the ability to control access to closed pages, including content that requires an SMS code for access. Use SMS access to protect your content and ensure the security of your website!

Our WordPress plugin has the ability to generate one-time passwords (OTP), which provides an extra layer of security for your site.

OTP (one-time password) is a one-time password used to authenticate users. It is automatically generated and sent to a registered phone number or email address. OTP provides an additional layer of security, especially when logging in or performing transactions.

Each OTP is only valid for a short time and can be used only once. This helps to protect your data and prevent unauthorized access to your account.

Main functions

Plugin for WordPress

Easy to install and configure without unnecessary complications.

Code length

Set the verification code validity time (at least 5 minutes) to keep your content safe.

Cookie duration

Set the period during which users can access closed pages.

Protected data

The login and password for the service are stored in encrypted form, which guarantees the security of your settings.

Room settings

Specify the phone number from which the verification SMS will be sent.

Message template

Customize the text of the SMS message, including the verification code anywhere.


Specify the verification page to which users will be redirected if access is denied.

HTML forms

Ability to edit verification and code confirmation forms with mandatory conditions for correct saving.

Ensure the security of your content and provide users with a convenient way to verify it!

Order the SMS Content Verification plugin for WordPress right now and start effectively managing access to your content today! Contact us for more information.

Version - 1.1